Pueblo chico infierno grande

Pueblo chico, infierno grande takes place in Nahuatzen, a small town in the Sierra Purépecha in Michoacán, Mexico, in early 1900. The young girl Leonarda Ruán (Aracely Arámbula), is the youngest daughter of the venerable Don Prisciliano Ruan (Enrique Rocha).

The day of the feast of the town's patron saint, Saint Louis of France, Leonarda discovers her feelings for Hermilo Jaimes (Kuno Becker), a poor boy who works in a grocery store. But that afternoon, the old Don Rosendo Equigua (Jorge Russek) the richest man in Nahuatzen, sets his eyes on the girl.

Don Prisciliano disapproves of the love between Leonarda and Hermilo, and yields the girl's hand to Rosendo. That same afternoon, a girl named Magdalena Beltran (Evangelina Sosa), falls for a young man nicknamed "El Batan" (Jose Maria Yazpik). Her mother, Inmaculada (Socorro Bonilla), is surprised that she feels lust for "El Batan".

Leonarda is forced to marry Rosendo. Hermilo leaves town, but swears he will be very powerful one day and return for her. Meanwhile, Magdalena discovers her mother in bed with "El Batan". She wanders the streets and falls into perdition in the whorehouse from "La Tapanca" (Lilia Aragón).

A few months after his marriage with Leonarda, Rosendo dies. At 16 years, Leonarda is a widow and Nahuatzen's richest woman, but she vows to wait for Hermilo.... 20 years go by, and Leonarda (Verónica Castro), returns from a long trip through Europe. On her return, while hanging around her properties she meets a handsome 20 year old young man named Genaro (Juan Soler).

Genaro and Leonarda feel a strong attraction for each other, and Leonarda lets him work on her farm. Throughout the town, women feel fascination for Genaro's striking resemblance with St. Louis. Some of the girls are Indalecia (Mónika Sánchez), an evil Indian, Leonarda's servant and Braulia Felicitas (Karyme Lozano), a rich girl from the region. But Genaro only has eyes for Leonarda, and both end up confessing their love.