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El amor no tiene receta

FEBRUARY 19 2024

Despite years of searching, Paz has not been able to find her daughter, and her ex-husband, who is behind bars, remains her worst nightmare.

Due to unexpected circumstances, Paz agrees to work in the house of Esteban, a widower with three children. As the story unfolds, Paz realizes that she has a chance to be a mother again and love again. However, the path to happiness will be full of obstacles and surprising revelations.

Love Has No Recipe is a family melodrama that addresses intense and moving situations. The story follows two families with very different realities: a wealthy family, but without a mother figure present, and another low-income family whose dream is to find the youngest daughter.

Claudia Martin

as Paz

Daniel Elbittar

as Esteban

Altair Jarabo

as Ginebra

FEBRUARY 19 2024

Claudia Martin

as Paz

Daniel Elbittar

as Esteban

Altair Jarabo

as Ginebra

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