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Las hijas de la señora García

NOV 11 2025

Ofelia García is a woman who dreams of luxury and wealth, and to fulfill her dreams she uses her youngest daughter Mar. She takes her to castings so that she can become famous and, although Mar is a beautiful woman, she has not been able to get anywhere. In contrast, Valeria, Mrs. García's eldest daughter, is a woman with a natural but hidden beauty, who takes care of her family. For her there is no choice but to work hard, which makes her clash a lot with her mother, because it reminds her a lot of her late husband.

Arturo Portilla, the son of one of the most important textile families in the country, announces that there will be a search to find the woman who will be the next image of their sportswear line and Ofelia sees this as the perfect opportunity to change her life so that she and her daughters can leave poverty behind. Meanwhile, the Portilla family is going through one of the worst moments in their lives, with the death of Cecilia, the matriarch of the family. Leonardo is the eldest son, but everyone knows that Paula, his wife, is with him out of interest. Arturo is an inveterate womanizer. Nicolás is the most responsible of them all and the youngest is Camila, who has never wanted to work in the company.

María Sorté

as Ofelia García

Guillermo García Cantú

as Luis Portilla

Ela Velden

as Sánchez García

NOV 11 2025

María Sorté

as Ofelia García

Guillermo García Cantú

as Luis Portilla

Ela Velden

as Sánchez García

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